Monday, July 21, 2008

The Viral News Network has been born!

The Viral News Network is a citizen journalism collective covering the local aspects of global issues.

The Establishment Media is mostly concerned with profits and ratings, and really doesn't care about the problems we're facing or how to solve them.

The Viral News Network is an attempt to bypass that system and amplify the voice of everyday people, and bring light to the very real problems they face, and the solutions that are available.
How is world news affecting your community?  What are people in your area doing to help out? To hinder?  Expose those buggers!  Help save the world!

Do you have news tips?  Send them our way!

More importantly though, when you see an article that gets your dander up, or a video we've hosted here that really turns you on, SHOUT IT OUT!  Tell everybody you know about it, all your friends, all your enemies.

In short, make it go viral.  Repost everything we publish, video, print, etc.  Go ahead.  You have our permission.

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